
We collect information that you provide directly to us such as your name, email address. We also use third-party Google services to anonymously identify users. This information is used solely to provide and improve our services, including but not limited to AI and data processing for enhancing app functionalities like image-to-text recognition. Data is securely stored on Firebase Firestore and may occasionally be synchronized to the cloud for safekeeping.

By using Connect4 Official, you consent to the collection and use of your information as described in this Privacy Policy. You agree to use the app as it is, with no guarantees or warranties.

  • Push Notifications: We use push notifications to notify users of important updates and information. Users can opt-out of receiving push notifications at any time.
  • Text Messages: Users may also receive notifications via text messages. Similar to push notifications, users can opt-out of receiving text messages at any time.

Users can delete all of their data through the app, or alternatively request the deletion of their information at any time by contacting us through the provided contact form within the app.

Users have the option to opt-in for third-party device facial ID or touch ID to lock and unlock the app for added security.

We do not sell or share your personal information with third parties for their marketing purposes. Information may be shared with third-party service providers only to the extent necessary for them to provide services to us, under confidentiality agreements.

C4 operates on a freemium model. Basic features are available for free, while advanced features require a monthly subscription.

We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time. Users are encouraged to frequently check this page for any changes. By continuing to use the app, users acknowledge and agree to the updated Privacy Policy.

By using C4, users signify their acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If users do not agree to this policy, they should not use the app. Continued use of the app following the posting of changes to this policy will be deemed as acceptance of those changes.

For any privacy concerns or inquiries, users should contact us via the provided contact form within the app or at [email protected].

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